Sunday, January 18, 2009

Online Games – Are You Game For This

Who has not heard of online games these days? Internet has opened up a whole new vista for the entertainment and gaming industry which is booming and going strong with huge annual growth rates of 40-45% year on year. All you need to play an online game is a home computer and broadband connection. You don’t even need spare time; it sucks you in. Well, if you don’t have a computer at home but still want to play, don’t loose heart; you can play them on your cell phone.
Online Games and Pass Time
Innovative online games, apart from the traditional chess, poker and Mahjong, are real brain teasers. While these are games which need two players, who you find always online, there are still more which can be played individually. Games such as solitaire, crossword, sudoku are individual games.
Gaming Softwares and Techniques
Some online games require you to download and install their softwares before you can begin play. These softwares help save your personal settings for those games. But mostly, you can play any game without having to download anything at all.
When you log on to play a non individual game, you will be automatically matched against someone who is better than you are. It is frustrating to loose a match, albeit against an unknown player. If you wonder, all but you are skilled, take a look here. There are softwares called as ‘game cheat’ available to help you on the instant! Game cheats level out the playing field and soon you can play with experts without them knowing whether you are using a software aid.
How do you benefit from game cheats? Turn on cheats when you begin playing. Cheat predicts obstacles and opportunities and suggests the best move for you. It can also tell you the next possible move of your opponent, with dependable certainty. You can buy them from their websites for charges not big if you are serious on winning online. Some companies give away trial versions which you can upgrade later. These softwares can be availed for games like game cube, X-Box and the PS 2; and are being continuously upgraded.
A word of caution while playing online games would not be out of place. Play on trusted websites only as most gaming sites install spywares scrupulously onto your hard disk.
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Online Bingo Games

Online bingo games are really exciting but the entertainment value it offers is not the only attraction. Online bingo players are winning huge progressive jackpots at some of the most popular cyber bingo halls.
With so much money at stake it is no wonder online bingo games have become so popular in recent years. New and experienced players are attracted to online bingo sites by the huge progressive jackpots on offer.
Let's take at look what you can win by playing cyber bingo. We'll also consider how much it costs to play online.
What you can win:
There are usually at least two ways to win at these games. When you play an online bingo game you stand a chance of winning the prize pool and/or the jackpot.
Every time a player buys a bingo card a percentage of the purchase is placed into the total prize pool. That means that every player is contributing to the size of the prize fund. The prize pool grows as more and more bingo cards are bought.
To win the prize pool you need to be the first player to complete your card. Prize pools are dependent on the number of active players in the bingo hall and the cost of the bingo tickets. More players usually mean larger prize pools.
The jackpot is usually a progressive jackpot and a very small percentage of cost of every ticket is added to the total jackpot fund. To win these huge progressive jackpots you'll need to complete your online bingo card within a certain number of balls.Progressive jackpots can be as big as $2000 or more.
What it costs:
For many new bingo players one of the first questions asked is, "how much does it cost?". Well the beauty of the game is that it is really simple to learn and really cheap play but you stand a chance of winning big prizes.
The price of a single online bingo card may be about 10c! And with a single ticket you could easily win a huge progressive jackpot.
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Play Some Card Games

Are you looking for a way to spend a rainy afternoon with friends? Or are you trying to plan some fun activities for your next big party? If so, the answer to your questions is simple: card games. It seems so obvious, but perhaps that is exactly the reason you forgot about it.
Card games are great for a lot of reasons. One of the best reasons that card games are great for almost any social gathering or party is because they allow people to be social and enjoy time together. There is nothing worse than planning a party for friends that includes nothing other than watching movies. Who wants to gather at a social event and then do a totally non-social activity? Card games are great because they offer more focus and entertainment than simply allowing people to mingle and yet they maintain the social atmosphere. People can share in great conversations while spending hours playing card games.
Another great reason to include card games at your next event is because they are fun. I cannot think of many people that do not enjoy good card games. Card games are tried and true fun for almost everyone. It can be hard to keep people entertained with the variety of new games that are on the market simply because people do not know how to play them. It can be easier and just as much fun to entertain people with card games that they are familiar with. Something about a great hand of rummy or euchre never gets old.
If you have invited people to your party that are not familiar with the classic card games, don't worry because it is easy and fun to teach card games to people. That is another great benefit of card games. You will not have to waste half of your time teaching the card games. Most people pick them up easily. So allow yourself to invite people who are masters at your favorite card games and who are novices at the games. Everyone can be having fun together in no time.
Card games are great because there is such a variety to choose from. Don't like euchre? Don't worry, you can try poker or rummy instead. Card games provide literally endless hours of fun. If your guests have been playing poker for hours, change it up and teach them canasta or bid euchre instead. There are enough good card games to keep any party nothing but fun. Look no further than card games to make your next party or social gathering the one people will not want to miss.
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An Overview Of Online Games

Online games are becoming more popular with each passing year. As more people connect to the internet and install Shockwave or Java on their computers, a huge market will open up for free online games. The prices on computers are dropping, and this means that more people with have access to independent games. Many seasoned gamers are annoyed by the politics which often exist in large video game companies.
Many gamers are also looking for games which allow them to interact with other players. Even with the success of online fighting games, many developers have not bothered to create them. MMORPGs are becoming more popular than ever before. Players want to interact with each other and create their own identities in the digital world. This is the direction in which I believe free online games are headed today. As the internet becomes more widely used, people want interaction more than graphics.
Because the video game market of today is so saturated, the cost of these games have dramatically decreased. It doesn't cost much money to develope a quality game if you know where to look. This will open the door for many independent game companies to design games which are an alternative to the mainstream console games which currently dominate the market. Shockwave and Java are tools that have allowed many people to cost effectively produce free online games.
As the graphics, gameplay, and storylines of these games continue to improve, more people will play them. While the PC game market declined at the end of the 1990s, it is expected that independent online games will fill this void. Multiplayer online games should be free or very cheap to play. Because the cost to produce them is so low, there is no reason why players should have pay $60 to buy one game. The low cost trend for online games can be seen at the Shockwave website, where they charge as littles as $9.95 for a game.
Many online games can be downloaded directly onto your computer. There is no need to go out to the store or order them through the mail. The games are available to play as soon as you download them. In addition to interactivity, people want things quickly. We live in a society in which virtually everything moves fast. When people want to play games, they want them as soon as possible. This is a demand that free online games can meet.

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RPG Games For Beginners

Part I – characters, attributes and experience explained
For the ones of you that don’t know RPG stands for Role Playing Game, and is one of the most played type of game nowadays.
You are the main hero, and you interact with other characters also called NPC-s ( or Non Playable Characters if you’re playing single player). They will give you quests to do, and you have to do them, in order to get experience and advance to higher levels.
The story has the main quest, that will end the game when finished, and usually a lot of side quests, that will help you develop your character. The side quests are not necessary, but will get you deeper into the story and sometimes that is really worth it!
Most RPG games allow you to choose your type of character at the beginning. Usually there are several types of characters, all with different attributes, but there are three main categories to choose from: wizard, fighter and archer. These will take different names and attributes and will be further more differentiated into subcategories, depending on the game. For example, the wizard can become specialized on different categories of spells, like earth, water, dark magic, white magic, fire, lightning, nature.
How do you grow your character? Well this depends from game to game, but basically you have :
- life, called life points in many games representing your health
- mana, or mana points representing the wizardry point you have left( these point allow you to do spells, if you don’t have them you won’t be able to cast spells)
- stamina, also found by other names, depending on the game, this represents how much time you can run, of do special moves.
Besides these three there are a few other primary attributes like:
- strength – representing the strength of your character, you’ll have to put points here if your character is a fighter.
- dexterity –representing the dexterity of your character, usually important for archers
- intelligence – representing the intelligence of your character, usually important for wizards.
There may appear some more primary attributes depending on the game but don’t worry they are usually explained!
Experience – this is heart of the game, and this (along with the story) will keep you in front of the computer for days! Basically, when you kill monsters you get experience, you also get experience when you do the quests. This experience is used to grow in level, making you stronger and able to battle with more and more monsters. Take care how you spend your experience, because in the later part of the game it’s important to be strong so you can finish the game. Usually it’s best to choose a line of evolution at the beginning and keep it until the end of the game !
Ok, we’ve reached the end of part one, hope I was able to enlighten you a little concerning the mysteries of RPG games. See you in part two!

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Children's Online Games

While the World Wide Web expands, more and more individuals are getting online for all of their necessities and for their enjoyment. Online games are just one of the many different ways to enjoy the internet. But, there is a newer trend happening right now. Instead of just throwing our attentions to online gaming atmospheres, we can also allow our children to enjoy the wider world of entertaining online. But, is it safe? And, even if it is, should we allow our children to be using online gaming at all? Is it any better than them sitting in front of a television?
Many parents simply do not have the time to monitor all the activity their children are having online. All parents need to know that there are many predators online that are seeking out our youngsters. But, there are ways to prevent them from coming near to our children. For example, in online gaming rooms, you can easily disable chatting and interaction. You can also disable instant messages as well. Yet, an even more effective manner for protecting our children while they are online is to simply keep the computer they will be using right in the living room, the kitchen or in any area that is open where you can see what's going on just by turning your head. When parents are aware of what is going on while their children are online, they can keep their children better protected. And, it’s never too soon to talk to your children about stranger danger even on the computer.
Okay, but what about the gaming? Should we allow our children online to play games?
It is important to break down some age levels here. For children who are young, it is essential to allow them time to learn about computers, but you need to do it in a one on one situation. In these cases, there are many games that are actually quite beneficial for them to play. Many games can teach reading skills, math skills, and many other aspects of learning. And, because it is fun, kids simply love to do it. They enjoy the colors, the sounds, and the idea of playing with Mommy or Daddy. It’s a great time for some bonding as well.
Then, we can look towards the older age. Those who enjoy cartoons on television will love the games that focus around these topics. And, you'll find many games that do. Online games like these can help with motor skills and computer usage skills. But, why not teach them a little by getting them into a different type of game, one that will challenge them. For example, word puzzles and just puzzles in general can stimulate the mind in many ways. Or, teach them a little history with a program like Oregon (or Amazon) Trail in which they need to survive a treacherous trek through the wilderness. Even older children can benefit from the "Sim" games as well. The less violent ones are better because they teach your little entrepreneurs to use many skills to build cities, buildings, get the idea.
When it comes to allowing teens online, you really need to allow at least some online time. At that age, they are into communicating with their friends through email and instant messages, but interactive games are very popular. Competing against friends is a definite need that many kids have. Is it any worse or any better than a Playstation or Xbox system? Probably not, but at least they are interacting with others. And, you can somewhat monitor their actions or limit their internet exploring when you provide them with what many ISP's are offering and that is parental controls on accounts set up just for kids.
So, where does that leave us and the online gaming world? Should children be allowed online? Yes, we believe that kids of all ages should at least have the opportunity to learn how to use the computer. It is an essential skill. But, what about playing games? Yes, they need this too. In a safe environment, there are few other places that you can play so many games for a low cost. They can learn from them as well. You can monitor just what they are doing. If you are a parent trying to figure out where you stand with your children being online, consider it a learning experience to allow them to surf with you, even if it’s just once. Then, you will be able to see just what is out there to offer your children and how well they enjoy it.
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Games To Consider When You're Event Planning

Children love so many things about birthday parties. The food, the birthday cake and the ice cream are at the top of their lists. Right below those favorites is party games. When children attend a birthday party they look forward to the party games they will get to play. A big reason for this is that party games usually have a winner and that winner might get a prize. What child doesn't love a prize?
If you happen to be in charge of event planning for a child's birthday party you are in the enviable position of having a whole host of games to choose from. One of the first things to consider is the age of your young guests. Obviously if you are in charge of entertaining a crowd of three-year-olds you'll need to choose an activity that doesn't require the player to have a long attention span. Standard favorites like pin the tail on the donkey and hot potato are fun for children who haven't mastered skills such as reading yet. Another fun game that keeps children laughing is to have them sit on air filled balloons while trying to pop them. This generally results in them rolling around on the floor as they bounce off the balloons.
For older children you might consider a treasure hunt. This is a great activity that can keep children busy and occupied while you tend to the other aspects of the event. You just hide some objects in your home and draw out maps for the children to search for them. Another twist on this idea is the scavenger hunt. In this instance you give the children a list of items they have to search for and whoever finds all of the items first, wins a prize. If your child is really enthusiastic about this idea you can make it the center of your event planning process. Perhaps choosing a scavenger hunt theme for the entire party including invitations shaped like a magnifying glass or a hunt to find the pizza you've hidden in another room for dinner. Children love activities like this and it's a great way to encourage their junior detective skills.
For the more mature crowd, you can incorporate fun activities into your event planning as well. Perhaps a game of charades or a fun board or card game will entertain a more adult crowd. These types of games are a great way to socialize and they also act as stress relievers. Many men do this already when they have their weekly poker night with their buddies. They may not view it as an event, but it's a great way for them to get together and challenge one another's skill.
Depending on the event you are planning, it can be a plus to play a game or two. It keeps the event moving along and the guests will appreciate having a fun activity to engage in. The smaller ones will appreciate it even more if they win a prize for their efforts.

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